So Jenni came home Thursday night and asked us if we wanted to go to the masisea village for the weekend to check up on them. It a village that past workers have been. Its a six hour boat ride there and a four hour boat ride back. We were planning to leave friday morning and leave saturday after church to head home. Long trip. We all agreed not knowing that our trip would end up a day longer and a bit crazier. We got on the boat and people just kept getting on and kept loading all their stuff. It was just a Peke Peke and shouldn´t fit as many people and stuff as it did. In the middle there was stuff packed all the way through the boat and then there was two benches on the sides where people were sitting shoulder to shoulder. We made stops along the way and were dropping peopl and stuff off as we went to the masisea village. We finally arrive. Played some soccer with the kids and headed to vespers. Then headed back to our hostil for bed. The hostil was crazy. There was a club bumpin til 3ish and roosters cock a doo dal dooing all night. ha. crazy crazy crazy. Funny stuff though. We got up the next morning and headed for church. Church is still tough for me because i still cant understand all the spanish and so i end up reading my bible after my brain dies from trying to comprehend all the crazy spanish words. Church was done and we were going to head back to the hostil to change then to get some food. It started raining and we were supposed to be heading home in about 2 hours. Well we waited and waited at the hostil and we finally accepted that we wouldn´t be catching our boat ride home and that we would stay there til sunday. We finally got some food after walking there in the rain, our 3rd rice and beans meal of the trip, but still just as good as the first. Its amazing how it grows on you. We headed back and slept for a while because it was raining still... I woke up and everyone was still kinda sleeping but i saw some kids playing football in the muddy soccer field. I went over and spanglished my way into asking them if i could play with them. They are so cute and so amazingly good at soccer. They were aged 6 to 10 but played like they were pros. Brent and Emily showed up and joined in. We had a good 2 games. Mos of which i lost. It was really muddy and the kids loved it when i fell and rolled and triped and slid in the mud. Which was very often. I looked like i hadn´t showered in days and days. My clothes were covered in mud. The pastor showed up and said we had about 10 min before closing of the sabbath. Well i hurried and ran back to shower and change. later i found out we weren´t supposed to be playing soccer oops. oh well. next time i wont. it was fun though and the kids enjoyed it. After vespers we did a kids song service and games in the towns court yard. The kids are so so cute. We ate then found some junk food like chocolate and cookies that we have been craving since we got to peru. We headed to bed because we were getting up at 3 to head to the docks to catch the Peke Peke back home. We got up and headed to the docks. 4 of us went in one moto and the pastor and brent wen on his bike and the others were going to catch a moto and meet us there. Well the roads were teriable from the rain. There was so much mud and the dirt roads. I was shocked when i got there because the roads were so bad but i now know that things can always get worse. A half hour ride took us an hour. the Motor cycle got stuck and the moto droped us off about a mile before the docks because the mud was so bad. It was just the 4 of us in the dark having no idea what happened to the others. We waited for about 20 min doing flashlight circles checking out all the funny noises that were destined to get us from the jungle that surrounded us. ha. funny times. Jenni and the others finally showed up but no motorcycle. The motor cycle was stuck. We walked to the docks and waited about another hour in a half when the motorcycle showed up after being towed by a moto. ha. Our boat was about half the size of our boat we came on. I didn´t know they could be smaller. Again, i now know things can get much worse. ha. It was a shorter ride back and everyone was thrilled to be back on land. The trip was fun, we survived and have many memories and stories. Very exciting.
This week we are going over nursing and dental stuff for our clinic the 19th. Shots and pulled teeth are in the future. ha. Il keep you posted on how that goes. I also have to explain to the people how to take medicins, where they go, and how often to take them. Sound like fun especially since i know oh so much spanish. ha. Oh well. i guess i will be learning it quickly.
There might be another strike so if you dont hear from me for a month, i will be stuck at km. 38 eating rice and beans and sheep if needed. We will see and pray and hope that the strike wont happen. Keep peru in your prayers.
I love pictures...
Sweet sweet baby... Baby Ansley or Annie.
Just laughing and taking pictures coming back from the village.
1 comment:
Great stories! Awesome pics! Keep up the good work! :)
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