When we arrived to the water it really was like paradise. After our long campaign all we wanted to do was hang around and relax which was exactly what we did for a few hours. There was a two story brush hut where we hung up our hammocks that overlooked the river. The river was right below with hot water flowing in from one side and cold water flowing from the other. In some places the water was actually boiling but right in the middle was the perfect warm water.
After lazing around for a few hours we walked back to the hut and had our worship and evaluation time of the clinic. It was raining and we discussed the possibility of the motos not being able to come get us the next morning because the road would be to torn up.
Tara and I continued walking as the group behind us caught up to the bike and the boys pushed it a good ways out. I think they gave in and left it along the road. Tara and I who were up ahead finally found a moto for the last 5 or 10 min and the muddy trail. The rest of the group showed up 2 hours later. After long clinic, and our crazy hot spring adventure we got on a boat the next morning for a 24 hour ride home. It was sure an experience. We had a lot of fun even though it wasn’t an ideal situation. We had an amazing relaxing day at the hot springs and a strengthening walk out.
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