Pucallpa, Peru 2007-2008

Friday, September 21, 2007

Frankie Our Very Lucky Monkey

He may only be eight inches tall but Frankie is usually twelve feet high jumping around from rafter to rafter enjoying the world below. His big black eyes stare down at the SM team below as we go about our daily lives. One of his favorite times of the day is meal time. Not his meal time but ours. He hops from bar to bar down to the counters and if he is sneaky enough and we don’t grab the spray bottle quick enough, he sometimes manages to grab a little bit of his favorites, cucumber or bananas. The rest of the day consists of catching bugs throughout the house making our faces cringe at the gooiness of it and then finding a nice perch like our shoulders to curl up on and fall fast asleep. As devious as our monkey Frankie can be, we all love him dearly. Not only is he just a monkey, he is our miracle monkey. Dr. calls him Daniel because he has escaped not only once, but twice from the mouth of a lion or Cheva our Rotwhiler.
As the night is winding down, monk monk was enjoying a nice piece of banana and then decided to walk across to the kitchen not knowing that his life would flash before him. Cheva, who was right outside our opened door saw a rat like object crawling across our floor and took it apon herself to try and dispose of it. Lunging through our back door her aim was impeccable as she snatched Frankie off the floor. I ran in screaming as Cheva dropped Frankie out of her mouth and looked up at me like I was crazy. Monk found himself a nice corner behind the stove for the next few moments as I aggressively escorted Cheva to the nearest door. Frankie was wet all over but had not a bite mark on him. That was the first Frankie meets Chevas mouth experience. Just a few nights ago, David, one of our fellow SM’s had Frankie on his shoulder and was walking out to give Cheva some food. Cheva saw the food she wanted and lunged up on Davids shoulder with once again amazing accuracy plucking the monkey off of his shoulder. David plopped himself on Cheva as the monkey was set free and ran to find his nice little spot behind the stove. Our monkey is a miracle monkey. Although a pest at times, we love our new addition to our household.
Frankie came from a little town called Sana Rosa where we did one of our campaigns for a day. We had been talking about getting a monkey a few weeks prior and one day Tara and Jenni came back and showed us our new little baby. The next day he spent on my shoulder in clinic as I passed out patience prescriptions. I was not fond of the caked on mess that came from this cute little fuz balls bottom, but after we hand crafted him a diaper, he became much more loved. He traveled with us back to km. 38 on a 6 hour peke peke and a 24 hour launch boat ride. He was very well behaved. He has now grown fond of all of us and us of him, but Joey, our cat, still is pretty skeptical, but love sometimes takes time.

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