Pucallpa, Peru 2007-2008

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Christmas in Puno

Christmas in Puno was a little different than traditional. We had been out on the floating islands all day and came back to our little hostel changed and went out for an expensive meal of 10 soles. We went to a cute little stone oven baked pizza place and ordered pizza and a lemonade. We were so excited to get our lemonade. A lady from behind us turned around and asked us what we were drinking. Thinking that she didn't know what the Spanish names for everything on the menu politely told her,"It's lemonade. They make it out of these cute little small lemons so it tastes sweet." She then goes on and asks if it has alcohol. She said that we were acting to happy that it had to have something in it. We said to and went on with our meal. You don't need alcohol to appreciate and love the little things in life. We ate our amazing pizza then sang hymn in our little hostel room. And that was our Christmas day.

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