Pucallpa, Peru 2007-2008

Friday, December 14, 2007


Yes in fact i do have worms. Late Tuesday night I woke up with this gagging feeling. I had no idea what was happening. It was dark and i couldn't find my light. I kept having this gagging feeling like i was throwing up so i ran to the sink and drank some water. It didn't help. I started feeling something in the back of my nose. And i remember some of the stories Jenni was telling us. I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror at the back of my throat. It was a little white worm stuck in between my nose and my throat. I reached in the back of my throat and grabbed it pulling it out of both my nose and my throat. At three inches long and the size of a spaghetti noodle i was terrified that if i went back to sleep another one would crawl up and that was not an experience that i wanted to repeat.
It all started when we decided to take Albendazol. Albendazol is a medication that us sm's are supposed to take every three months to get rid of all the worms inside of us. Well we were a few months late and i guess i let my worms grow to long. They normally come out the other end of you but my curious worm decided he wanted to fight for his life and find a way out. I finally fell back asleep and had no more worms. This is one experience that i hope is not repeated.

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